West Bar Veterinary Hospital
19 West Bar, Banbury, Oxon OX16 9SA
Telephone us (24 hours) on: 01295 262 332


We recommend that your pet is vaccinated against the common diseases for their species, some of which can be fatal if picked up. Please see below for the standard vaccination protocols, if you have further questions just give us a ring.


Vaccination consultations are always combined with a health check as a screening measure. Our vet will ask you some questions about your pets health, and give your pet a thorough examination before they give the vaccination. Occasionally we may find something that requires further investigation, or a reason that they cannot be vaccinated on that day.





  • We routinely vaccinate dogs against distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus and leptospirosis. There are additional vaccinations available for kennel cough and rabies which may be advised in certain situations.


  • Primary course: 1st vaccination from the age of 6 weeks, 2nd vaccination 2-4 weeks from the date of their first injection. The second vaccination should be done over 10 weeks of age once the protection from their mother has waned. If your puppy has already received a vaccination and it is compatible with our vaccines, only one vaccination may be required complete the course.


  • Boosters: Yearly booster vaccinations. If your pets vaccinations are overdue we recommend restarting with another primary course.




  • Cats are routinely vaccinated against 2 viruses which cause cat flu (feline calicivirus and feline herpesvirus), feline panleukopaenia virus, and feline leukaemia virus.


  • Primary course: 1st vaccination from 9 weeks of age, 2nd vaccination 3-4 weeks from the date of their 1st injection. The second vaccination should be done over 12 weeks of age once the protection from their mother has waned.


  • Boosters: Yearly booster vaccinations. If your pets vaccinations are overdue we recommend restarting with another primary course.




  • We routinely vaccinate against myxomatosis and viral diarrhoea strain type 1. There is a second strain of viral diarrhoea which has become more common, and if your rabbits are outdoor rabbits we recommend vaccination against this strain as well – the two vaccinations must be at least 2 weeks apart.


  • Primary course: Single vaccination from 5 weeks of age.


  • Booster: Yearly booster vaccinations.


Please call us on 01295 262332 or click here to book your vaccination appointment.

Did you know you can book appointments on-line - click for more information
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