West Bar Veterinary Hospital
19 West Bar, Banbury, Oxon OX16 9SA
Telephone us (24 hours) on: 01295 262 332

New Pets

Planning a furry addition to the family? Or have you just acquired a four legged friend? Look no further for the best advice to keep them in tip top health. 


First Steps


First things first, it is always a good idea to do some research before you acquire a pet. What kind of housing, feeding and exercise will they need? Do they need vaccinations? What about other routine preventative treatments? For dogs and cats much of this information can be found on the Information for Pet Owners pages of our website. For other pets just get in touch and we can have a discussion with you, or send the appropriate information by email.

We have also produced advice leaflets for new dog and cat owners containing details of vaccination courses, microchipping, neutering, parasite control (fleas, mites and worms), pet insurance and details about our practice. Feel free to collect one from your local practice or just fill in your details here and we can send an electronic copy by email.


Get Registered


Once you have your new pet at home it is a good idea to register them with us and bring them in for a check over and any vaccinations they may be due. This is a great opportunity to quiz our knowledgeable vets about the best management for them.


Annual Health Check


Many pets required annual vaccinations which always include a full health check, however if you have guinea pigs or hamsters for example they do not require annual vaccinations. In these cases even if they are in full health it is wise to bring them in once per year for a full check up so that any developing problems can be picked up early on.


Illness and Injury


If your pet becomes suddenly unwell or suffers an accident then remember we are always here at the end of the phone whatever time of day or night. You can ring our normal number and will receive the details of how to contact the vet on duty who will assess whether or not your pet needs seeing and how urgently.

If you notice something change more gradually about your pet then there may be an underlying medical reason for this. Whether they are itching and scratching, less keen to walk, drinking more, losing/gaining weight or it is something you can’t put your finger on an examination by one of our vets can help find a solution or provide peace of mind.



As ever if you have any further questions or wish to book an appointment please contact us on 01295 262332 or use our contact form.

Did you know you can book appointments on-line - click for more information
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